Public Officials

NSSGA Welcomes Sean Duffy as Transportation Secretary

ALEXANDRIA, VA - The National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association's Interim CEO Michele Stanley issued the following statement welcoming Sean Duffy, as the Secretary of Transportation. Earlier today, the full Senate voted to confirm his nomination in a 77-22 vote. NSSGA previously shared this letter of support with the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee before their vote. 


Letter to Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Supporting Former Rep. Lee Zeldin's Nomination as Administrator of the EPA

As the Committee on Environment and Public Works prepares to vote on the nomination of former Representative Lee Zeldin to serve, as Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA) would like to express our unwavering support for his confirmation. As a distinguished former member of Congress, Mr. Zeldin understands how environmental policy impacts different regions of the country.

Letter to Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Supporting Chris Wright's Nomination as the Secretary of Energy

As the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources prepares to vote on Mr. Chris Wright’s nomination, as Secretary of Energy, the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA) would like to express our unwavering support for his confirmation. As a distinguished business leader, Mr. Wright understands how energy policy impacts businesses nationwide. His understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the aggregates industry, including NSSGA’s industrial sand division, will enable him to empower our industry to succeed in the upcoming years.

Letter to Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Supporting Former Gov. Doug Burgum's Nomination as the Secretary of the Interior

As the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources prepares to vote on former Governor Doug Burgum's nomination, as Secretary of the Interior, the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA) would like to express our unwavering support for his confirmation. As a distinguished governor, Mr. Burgum understands how energy and environmental policy impact different regions of the country. Under his leadership, North Dakota is a leader in innovation, creating an economic boom for the energy, agriculture and technology sectors.

Letter to Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee Supporting Sean Duffy's Confirmation as the Secretary of Transportation

On behalf of the members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), I am writing to express our strong support for Sean Duffy’s confirmation, as the Secretary of Transportation. NSSGA represents over 500 aggregates producers and servicers who are responsible for the essential raw materials found in every building, road, bridge and public works project that create jobs and stimulate economic growth. As a distinguished former member of Congress, Mr. Duffy brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record of leadership in transportation and infrastructure policy.

Letter to Senate HELP Committee on Moshe Marvit's Nomination for the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission

On behalf of the 450 members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), I write to express our strong opposition of Moshe Marvit’s nomination for the open seat on the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission. Having failed to be approved for this seat twice previously, and with a biased track record against industry operators, we do not believe Mr. Marvit is fit to serve in this position.

RCC Letter to President Biden on STB Chairman and Member Renominations

The undersigned organizations representing the Rail Customer Coalition (RCC) urge the renomination of Surface Transportation Board (STB) Chairman Martin Oberman and Member Patrick Fuchs. The RCC is a collection of trade associations representing a broad cross-section of manufacturing, agricultural, energy and other industries that depend on the railroads to deliver reliable and affordable service so our members can remain competitive in the global market. Our members collectively provide more than 7 million jobs and produce more than $4.8 trillion in economic output.

Letter to Senate EPW Supporting Shailen Bhatt to Lead the FHWA

On behalf of the 400 members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), I am writing to share our support for Shailen Bhatt’s nomination to lead the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The work of this committee over the past years to craft and advance responsible surface transportation reauthorizations, which were incorporated as the base of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), has given FHWA a historic opportunity to improve our infrastructure that betters the lives of every American.

MSHA Assistant Secretary Tours First Aggregates Quarry

ALEXANDRIA, VA – The National Stone Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA) organized a day-long tour for the Mine Safety & Health Administration’s (MSHA) Assistant Secretary, Chris Williamson along with seven other Department of Labor/MSHA staff at Luck Stone’s Bull Run facility in Virginia. This was the Assistant Secretary’s first tour of an aggregates quarry and his first mine tour since starting at MSHA. This was followed by the first NSSGA-MSHA Alliance working meeting.


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