ROCKPAC works to support candidates who understand and appreciate the value of aggregates operation and are committed to promoting sensible, scientifically-based safety and environmental laws and regulations. The aggregates industry’s voice is heard loud and clear in Washington, D.C., through the relationships that NSSGA members build with ROCKPAC.

Getting Involved

The Federal Election Commission requires ROCKPAC to request the written prior approval of NSSGA members before soliciting contributions. Corporations may not approve solicitations by more than one trade association for the same calendar year. ROCKPAC asks that you please take a moment now to download and fill out this Prior Approval Form using the Fill and Sign function of a PDF reader program. Signed forms can also be emailed to


Head to the ROCKPAC Page for members to download your pledge form or contribute online. You can also use our ROCKPAC site to fill out and submit a form to grant prior approval.


Want to learn more about ROCKPAC? Check out our FAQ page for more information.  


“ROCKPAC multiplies the power of my donations to candidates, opening doors for our company and industry.”

– Steve Sloan, Midwest Minerals, Inc.

“ROCKPAC magnifies my donation a hundredfold, ensuring my voice is heard and opening doors for us.”

-Mark Helm, Dolese Bros. Co.

“ROCKPAC provides the means that helps to influence our representatives in Washington to ensure the sustainability of our company and our industry.”

-Hal Williford, Memphis Stone & Gravel Co.

ROCKPAC Trustees

Ted Baker
Blue Water Industries (Chairman)


Gregory Bush                 
Linwood Mining & Minerals


Cory Danner                   


Rich Deister
Deister Machine


John Hay                         
CRH Americas


Mark Helm                      
Dolese Bros


Michael Johnson            


Janet Kavinocky              


Charles Luck IV               
Luck Companies


Darin Matson
Rogers Group Inc.


W. Scott McGeorge       
Pine Bluff


Sean McLanahan
McLanahan Corporation


Paul Mellott                    
Mellott Company


Jim Nickolas                    
Martin Marietta


Steve Sloan                     
Midwest Minerals


Kim Snyder                     
Linwood Mining & Minerals


John Steele                     
Hilltop Companies


Bob Weldon                   
Weldon Materials


Bill Wetta                        
DSC Dredge