Letters to Washington

Letter to Administration to Oppose New Tax Reporting Scheme by Treasury Department

The undersigned organizations representing a cross-section of business and financial interests write to reiterate our strong opposition to the new tax information reporting regime proposed by the Department of Treasury and under consideration by Congress as part of the proposed reconciliation spending package. We respectfully request that this proposal be withdrawn from further consideration, and the administration consider more targeted measures to reduce the tax gap.

Letter to Oppose New IRS Reporting Scheme to Monitor Business and Individual Accounts

The undersigned associations representing a cross-section of financial and business interests write to express our strong opposition to the proposed new tax information reporting regime as described by the Department of Treasury, that would impact almost every American who has an account at a financial institution. The proposal will require providers of financial services to track and submit to the IRS information on the inflows and outflows of every account above a de minimis threshold of $600 during the year.

Coalition Letter on Impacts of America's Revegetation and Carbon Sequestration Act

We are writing to share the perspective of the aggregates, cement and concrete industries about the possible impacts of the America’s Revegetation and Carbon Sequestration (ARC) Act. We represent more than 600,000 workers at thousands of aggregates, cement and concrete businesses across the country who manufacture and deliver critical materials for our nation’s built environment. Our members collectively serve every residential, commercial, and public works project in the United States and generate more than $100 billion in economic activity each year.

Letter Urges StandAlone Vote on IIJA

The thousands of men and women who work across the aggregates industry, and their counterparts who work in millions of jobs related to the construction industry, depend upon congressional action to keep their livelihoods and provide for their families. Unfortunately, that is in jeopardy as unnecessary politics has tied the fate of the bipartisan IIJA to an unfinished, partisan budget reconciliation package. The Houses failure to vote on the IIJA at the end of September led to a short-term patch, keeping the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) operational until November 1.

Letter to DOL on EO Requiring Covid Vaccine or Testing

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, aggregates operators have taken aggressive actions to protect workers, as they continue to produce America’s essential building materials. We support your overall goal of vaccinating Americans against COVID-19 and have launched a national vaccination campaign in concert with our member companies.

Letter to Oppose S. 180, the “Buffalo Tract Protection Act”

S. 180 would set bad policy by permanently banning aggregate production on tracts of federal land in central New Mexico. These areas contain some of the only available aggregates supply located near the Albuquerque market. Enacting this ban sets bad precedent and would severely diminish the ability for communities to access key resources that are necessary for building roads, bridges, renewable energy projects, schools, hospitals, homes, and businesses.

TCC Letter to Progressive Caucus

The transportation construction industry and its union partners build projects and sustain well-paying jobs that bring community and economic benefit to every corner of our nation. We share the commitment of the Congressional Progressive Caucus to building next-generation infrastructure that is designed to promote equal economic opportunity for all Americans.

TCC Letter to House GOP Leadership

The 33 national associations and labor unions of the Transportation Construction Coalition are writing to respond to a recent misleading fact sheet circulated by House Republican Leadership on the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. We disagree with the assertion that this bill is nothing more than a “Trojan Horse” to pass another measure. This legislation, on its own, would increase every state’s highway formula funding by an average of 35 percent.

Coalition Letter from the Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) in Support of the IIJA bill

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) provides a generational opportunity to invest in the nation’s highway, bridge, public transit, airport and other infrastructure programs. Transportation improvements connect people and communities, while yielding short and long-term improvements across the economy. The 33 national associations and labor unions that make up the Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) urge all members to vote YES on final passage of the IIJA in the House.

Tax Letter in Support of Preserving Business Interest Deductions

The undersigned associations, representing thousands of businesses and workers throughout the U.S. economy, write in strong support of permanently preserving the current limit on business interest deductions—which is scheduled to expire in 2022.  Current law limits businesses’ interest expense deductions to 30% of earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) for tax years through 2021. Starting in 2022, interest deductions will be limited to 30% of earnings before interest and tax (EBIT).

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