June is National Safety Month. Throughout the month, NSSGA is sharing resources and content to help keep safety values front and center, as it is a core value of our members. This year, we're dividing the month into four key safety themes: mental health and psychological safety, significant injuries and fatalities, back to basics and bringing safety home. Read below for the resources and member webinars being offered. NSSGA Members will also receive emails each week about the themes.
Week 1: Mental Health and Psychological Safety
Safety Shorts Podcast

June marks the two-year anniversary of the NSSGA micro-podcast: Safety Shorts. Hosted by NSSGA's Director of Occupational Health, Safety & Sustainability Libby Pritchard, this safety focused podcast is a quick listen and meant to help with your morning safety chats. Be sure to check out the show notes for discussion questions you can use with your team.
Safety Shorts Episode #26 featuring Cal Beyer, CWP, VP, Workforce Risk and Worker Wellbeing at Holmes Murphy. Cal shares about the important topic of changing safety mindsets to include getting workers safely to work the next morning, not just getting them home safely.
Week 2: Serious Injuries and Fatalities
Take Control Program

The stone, sand, and gravel industry is committed to the prevention of all injuries. However, industry experience suggests that there is a need to establish specific focus on the prevention of the mechanisms that result in serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs), which are injuries that are life altering, life threatening, or result in a fatality. The stone, sand, and gravel industry has and continues to experience a steady decline in reportable injuries, but the decline in serious injuries and fatalities has not been as quick by comparison, and has plateaued in recent years.
The Take Control program highlights 10 activities that have a high potential to cause a SIF, then identifies high-risk tasks and associated critical controls to be in place to prevent a SIF. The program is intended to supplement existing training programs and put a spotlight on situations where miners face a higher potential of a SIF occurring. Read this program write-up for more information.
Week 3: Back to Basics
Safety Webinar

NSSGA Members serve as panelists for this webinar, Health and Safety Back to Basics: Lessons from Industry, moderated by Libby Pritchard, NSSGA's Director of Occupational Health, Safety & Sustainability. It can be easy to get caught up in technology, big data, or upcoming trends. But when it comes to health and safety, taking a step back and getting back to the basics is fundamental for the success of any safety program. Come learn how they use the basics to establish strong safety cultures, take away some ideas for your own facilities and ask questions of these health and safety professionals.
- Matt Bunner, Safety Manager at Mulzer Crushed Stone
- Meghan Neal, Director of EHS at P.W. Gillibrand Co.
- Zachary Waters, Safety Manager at John Deere Davenport Works
Back to Basics Resources
Week 4: Bringing Safety Home
NSSGA Member Testimonials
Why do you work safely? How do you work safely every day? We asked our members these questions and they gave us some great answers! Thank you to all those who submitted testimonials.