Paul Mellott, Jr. Award for Political Excellence

The Paul Mellott, Jr. Award for Political Excellence is given annually to an industry leader who works tirelessly on behalf of our industry to promote ROCKPAC and the importance of political advocacy. The award is named on behalf of Paul Mellott Jr, Chairman of ROCKPAC from 1998-2018, who believed then, and still does so now, in the power of political participation, and his determination and willingness to personally solicit funds through scores or telephone calls every year helped ROCKPAC grow to one of the top trade association political action companies in Washington, DC.”
For questions regarding the Paul Mellott, Jr. Award for Political Excellence, please contact Laura Henry at

2024 Paul Mellott, Jr.
Award for Political Excellence
Ted Baker
Blue Water Industries
Past Recipients
2023 – Charles S. Luck, IV, Luck Companies
2021 – Ward Nye, Martin Marietta
2019 – Paul Mellott, Jr., Mellott Company