Barry K. Wendt Memorial Commitment Award
The aggregates industry's highest, most distinguished individual award.
In February of 1997, the aggregates industry lost a longtime friend with the passing of Barry K. Wendt of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Known for his outgoing, friendly disposition and spirited nature, he was a great friend and champion to the industry. He often gave of his own personal time to solve industry problems. Barry tirelessly devoted his energy to advance the industry’s causes. His friends and the industry remember him for his dedication, hard work, and personal integrity. Barry Wendt helped make the industry and the world a better place. As a lasting memorial to Barry, who exemplified commitment to family, career and the industry, NSSGA established an annual commitment award to recognize an individual in the industry who is deserving of personal recognition for exhibiting the dedication exemplified by Barry Wendt, both in commitment to the industry and to the community in which they live. This is the highest and most distinguished individual award presented by the association. The Barry K. Wendt Memorial Commitment Award is presented each year at NSSGA’s Annual Convention. For questions regarding the Barry K. Wendt Memorial Commitment Award, please contact the NSSGA Meetings team at
The 2025 Barry K. Wendt Memorial Commitment Award will be presented at NSSGA’s Annual Convention, March 23 - 26, 2025 in St. Louis, MO.

2024 Barry K. Wendt Memorial Commitment Award
Mark Helm
President and CEO
Dolese Bros. Co.
Past Recipients
2023: Charles S. Luck, IV, Luck Companies
2022: Ric Suzio, L. Suzio Companies
2021: David Thomey, Martin Marietta
2020: Louis A. Griesemer, Springfield Underground
2019: William J. “Bill” Wetta, DSC Dredge
2018: John Wall, Braen Stone
2017: Doug Palmore, Luck Companies
2016: Jerry Geraghty, Rogers Group, Inc.
2015: Mike Stanczak, Lehigh Hanson
2014: Donald M. James, Vulcan Materials Company
2013: Stephen P. Zelnak, Martin Marietta
2012: Tony Basolo, Dolese Bros. Co.
2011: Kelly F. Bailey, Vulcan Materials Company
2010: Richard J. Feltes, Lafarge
2009: Randy J. Kremer, Granite Construction, Inc.
2008: Ronald W. Kruse, National Lime & Stone Company
2007: Joseph Andrews, Jr., Luck Stone Corporation
2006: Paul C. Mellott, H. B. Mellott Estate Inc.
2005: Glenn L. Martin, Martin Stone Quarries, Inc.
2004: Charles S. Luck, III, Luck Stone Corporation
2003: E. Mark Deister, Deister Machine Co., Inc.
2002: James G. (Jim) Topper, Nova Materials
2001: Members of the NAA-NSA Merger Steering Committee were selected, individually and collectively, as recipients and recognized at NSSGA’s First Annual Convention in San Diego: William H. Brown, Memphis Stone & Gravel Co.; Gregory J. Bush, Linwood Mining & Minerals Corp.; Brenton P. Cook, Aggregate Industries; Michael E. Hayes, Aggregate Industries Management; Kim W. Snyder, Eastern Industries, Inc; Mark S. Towe, Oldcastle, Inc., Materials Group.
2000: Richard E. Gordon, Aggregate Industries
1999: Roy F. Rumbaugh, McLanahan Corp.
1998: Bernard L. Grove, Jr., Redland Genstar