Letters to Washington

Letter to Reps. Finstad, Caraveo and Moran on the Prove It Act

I am writing on behalf of the over 400 members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), to express our strong support for the bipartisan Prove It Act that you recently introduced. The aggregates industry, like many others, has faced considerable challenges due to the increasing complexity and scope of federal regulations. These regulations often impose substantial direct and indirect costs on small businesses, which unlike larger entities, lack the resources to navigate these regulatory burdens effectively.

Coalition Letter to Congressional Leadership on H.R. 5779 the Fiscal Commission Act and S. 3262 the Fiscal Stability Act

Congress has an opportunity to initiate a focused and tangible effort to help fortify the U.S. economy through enactment of H.R. 5779 the Fiscal Commission Act and its Senate companion bill S. 3262, The Fiscal Stability Act. With the national debt topping $34 trillion, the House Budget Committee, on January 18th, took a critical step forward, advancing the legislation with bipartisan support. The undersigned organizations ask that fiscal commission legislation (H.R. 5779/S.

Jobs and Careers Coalition Letter to House Leadership on H.R. 6585, the Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act

I write on behalf of the Jobs and Careers Coalition to express our strong support for H. R. 6585, the Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act, expanding the federal Pell Grant program to provide financial aid for learners in short, job-focused postsecondary education and training programs. The Jobs and Careers Coalition is a Washington-based business group focused on job training and workforce development.

Letter to Senate HELP Committee on Moshe Marvit's Nomination for the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission

On behalf of the 450 members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), I write to express our strong opposition of Moshe Marvit’s nomination for the open seat on the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission. Having failed to be approved for this seat twice previously, and with a biased track record against industry operators, we do not believe Mr. Marvit is fit to serve in this position.

Letter to House Small Business Committee Ahead of Burdensome Regulations Hearing

Thank you for drawing attention to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory burdens faced by small businesses like the aggregates industry. NSSGA represents the aggregates and industrial sand industry of our country, with over 9,000 facilities and more than 100,000 employees in highpaying jobs. This industry procures 2.5 billion tons of aggregates annually, which are crucial in sustaining our lifestyle and constructing our nation's infrastructure and communities.

Coalition Letter to Congress on FHWA's Greenhouse Gas Performance Measure Regulation

Thank you for your commitment to conducting oversight of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). To that end, the undersigned organizations support congressional efforts to halt the greenhouse gas performance measure regulation finalized Nov. 23 by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The IIJA represents the most significant infusion of investment in the nation’s infrastructure since the development of the Interstate Highway System in the mid-1950’s.

Letter to House T&I Committee on New Clean Water Act Permitting Bills

On behalf of the 450 members of the National Stone, Sand & Gravel Association (NSSGA), we write to express our strong support for the recently introduced bills aimed at enhancing the efficiency and clarity of the Clean Water Act (CWA) permitting processes. NSSGA represents the aggregates and industrial sand industry of our country, with over 9,000 facilities and more than 100,000 employees in high-paying jobs. This industry procures 2.5 billion tons of aggregates annually, which are crucial in sustaining our lifestyle and constructing our nation's infrastructure and communities.

Letter to House T&I Committee Ahead of “The State of Transportation” Hearing

On behalf of the 450 members of the National Stone, Sand, & Gravel Association I am writing to thank the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure for holding today’s hearing on “The State of Transportation”. NSSGA members consist of stone, sand and gravel producers; industrial sand suppliers; and the equipment manufacturers and service providers who support them. With upwards of 9,000 locations, the aggregates industry produces 2.5 billion tons of materials used annually in the United States.

Coalition Letter to Congressional Leadership Supporting Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act

We, the undersigned organizations, representing hundreds of thousands of businesses who collectively employ tens of millions of Americans in all sectors of the U.S. economy, urge Congress to immediately enact the pro-growth Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act. Tax policy plays a critical role in the ability of American businesses to thrive, create jobs in the U.S., and effectively compete in today’s global economy.

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