| Jan 15 - 16 2024

St. Louis, MO 63101
United States

Young Leaders St. Louis Meetup

YL Regional Meetup

The next Young Leaders Annual Meeting isn’t until April, but you don’t have to wait until then to see your Young Leaders peers! Join us for our first Young Leaders Regional Meetup, Jan. 15-16, 2024 in St. Louis, MO. This event takes popular elements of the Annual Meeting. It combines them with a smaller group size to create an additional opportunity for Young Leaders to come together for professional development and networking.

If you haven’t attended a Young Leaders event yet, this is a great place to start! Limited to 50 participants, you’ll meet fellow local Young Leaders and learn why this program is so valuable to its members. The Young Leaders Regional Meetup is open to NSSGA members and nonmembers age 40 and younger and is intended for those within driving distance of St. Louis. Guests/spouses and the primary participant may register to attend the St. Louis Blues game.